Parent's Page

Morning Program

We are looking forward to starting a morning program for our students this year,  and our target date to begin is October 16, 2023.  Please fill out the survey attached to the link below as soon as possible so that we can try to meet our target date of opening.  This...

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ESSER Grant Survey

Good day, I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the August dog days of summer. We are sending out a stakeholder survey to assist us in determining how we spend the remaining funds from our ESSER grants. We would appreciate it if you could fill this survey our for...

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SAS Letter to Families

Paul School students in grades 3 through 8 will participate in the New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System NH SAS, taking tests  nn Reading/English Language Arts, and Mathematics; students in grades 5 and 8 will also take a State Science test. Each test is 50 ...

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Arrival Procedures

Hello Paul School Families, I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer filled with fun, laughter and memories that will last a lifetime. As the summer begins to wind down and we all begin our back to school shopping and getting routines in place for the upcoming...

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Homeless Information

Information for Parents
Are you between homes?
​If your family lives in any of the following situations:

  • Doubled-up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing
  • In a motel or hotel
  • In a campground, vehicle or other inadequate accommodations

​​Then your children have rights under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act:

  • Free breakfasts and lunch
  • Go to school, no matter where you live or how long you have lived there
  • Continue in the school they attended before you became homeless if you choose
  • Receive transportation to and from school

Contact your child’s school or call:
Lori Cook or Lisa Dubois at  603-522-8891 or by email: or

Frequently asked questions:

  • Are school supplies available?
  • Will my child be able to go on field trips even if we are unable to pay?
  • Are there after-school programs or tutoring available for my child?
  • Can my child receive free meals at school?
  • Is transportation available so my child can stay in the same school?
  • Can someone help refer us to community support programs? Such as housing, clothing, food pantries

If you need further assistance, call Lisa Cook or Lisa Dubois  603-522-8891 or by email: or

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