We are looking forward to starting a morning program for our students this year, and our target date to begin is October 16, 2023. Please fill out the survey attached to the link below as soon as possible so that we can try to meet our target date of opening. This...
Good day, I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the August dog days of summer. We are sending out a stakeholder survey to assist us in determining how we spend the remaining funds from our ESSER grants. We would appreciate it if you could fill this survey our for...
Good day, We are seeking input from our families and staff on the school day hours as well as your interest in a before school morning program. Please fill out the survey in the link below by August 21, 2023 in order for me to bring the results back to the board at...
Paul School students in grades 3 through 8 will participate in the New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System NH SAS, taking tests nn Reading/English Language Arts, and Mathematics; students in grades 5 and 8 will also take a State Science test. Each test is 50 ...
The Department of Education is asking all schools to make the “603 Bright Futures” survey available to parents, staff and community members until April 29. If you would like to provide feedback regarding education in Wakefield, you can access the link at: Families in...